Friday, July 2, 2010

Kable News Leaflet

Famous Monsters' distributor Kable News sent these leaflets to news vendors around the time that FM No. 4 was published.


  1. more awesome stuff! "if they see it...they'll buy it!" i can attest, it worked on me!

  2. That is just so cool. I especially get a kick from "Edited by one of Hollywood's best comedy writers!" What a great piece.

  3. They really had to push the comedy angle, so the parents didn't get upset. Can you imagine seeing a Fangoria, back then! :D

  4. My God, the hysteria if that had happened! Oh yes, I get why they'd try to laugh it up and make parents feel like their kids are in good hands, to be sure... I just laugh at the idea of Uncle Forry being one of Hollywood's best comedy writers, hehe! If they mean groans aplenty, bring it on!

  5. Mike C. wrote: "I just laugh at the idea of Uncle Forry being one of Hollywood's best comedy writers."

    Which is proof that he was! ;-)
