Saturday, November 6, 2010

FM, Again

Man, I'm gettin' lazy, lately! I gotta post something, just to break the cycle!

Here we go again! More drama from FM. Editor Michael Heisler and managing ed. Mark Redfield are out (nobody's saying nothin' about nothin'), which leaves Jessie Lilley as the new editor. Also, at least one of the writers had his article axed. (Remember what Bette Davis said in All About Eve?)

On the bright side (I guess?), the mag is getting retooled. Smaller (page count-wise), cheaper (price-wise), published 6 times a year (instead of 4) and less covers (only 2!) Here's an update on the cover for #253.


  1. Seems to be a bit early before these kinds of shake-ups, but I will say that I'm looking forward to the lower page count - I like my magazines to be able to open and lay flat!

  2. Wobble, the cover art is by Kerry Gammill.

    Derek, FM will still be square-bound, so no flat layin' mag!

  3. Nice cover. Do you know what the variant will be?

  4. Since Bill Stout still has 2 covers left on his contract, I assume it will be he. (hee! hee!)
